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Mapping disclaimer

The department provides two separate online mapping systems that operate as a repository of Geographic Information System (GIS) mapping layers kept, prepared or sourced by the state that have operation within the Queensland planning system.

State Planning Policy Interactive Mapping System and Development Assessment Mapping System

The data published in the State Planning Policy Interactive Mapping System (SPP IMS) is produced to spatially represent the state’s interests in planning and development, as expressed in the State Planning Policy (SPP).

The Development Assessment Mapping System (DAMS) provides a single point of access to mapping for the State Assessment and Referral Agency (SARA), the Planning Regulation 2017 (PR), the Economic Development Act 2012, the State Development and Public Works Organisation Act 1971, the Regional Planning Interests Act 2014 and other state government planning matters. Mapping layers are updated when new data becomes available to provide the most current information. Further information on mapping updates is available via a Subscription service.

The SPP IMS and DAMS include data supplied to the department by various external agencies and organisations. Those external agencies and organisations retain the respective ownership and intellectual property rights in the data supplied, where relevant.

Whilst every care has been taken to ensure the currency and accuracy of the data provided in the SPP IMS and DAMS, the State of Queensland (acting through the department) makes no representations or warranties about its accuracy, reliability, completeness or suitability for any particular purpose and disclaims all responsibility and all liability (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for all expenses, losses, damages (including indirect or consequential damage) and costs which the user might incur as a result of this website or any linked website being inaccurate or incomplete in any way and for any reason. To determine whether a development application requires assessment by or referral to the chief executive, DAMS should be used in conjunction with schedule 10 of the PR.

The State of Queensland also makes no warranties that the data in this online tool or the linked websites is free of infection by computer viruses or other contamination.

Mapping of unexploded ordnance (UXO)

With respect to the mapping of potential for unexploded ordnance (UXO), the data supplied is based on the Commonwealth Department of Defence’s assessment of information obtained from a variety of sources. It does not reflect any UXO remediation conducted on behalf of any person or organisation other than Defence. While Defence makes all reasonable efforts to ensure that the information provided is accurate, complete and up-to-date, there may be limitations to the sources available to Defence and the information may be subject to change. The information relating to a specific parcel of land should not be relied upon without additional checks and/or verification from the relevant state, territory or local government. Further information as to Defence’s UXO categorisation criteria; along with Defence’s recommendations to state and local authorities, is available on the Defence website.

External web links

Where the SPP IMS or DAMS contain links to other websites that are external to the department, the department has no direct control over the content of these linked websites. These links are provided for the convenience of the user and have been selected by the department as the content may be relevant to users of this online tool.

Last updated: 26 May 2022